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The SmartSpace - Graphic Design Build Process

This page is designed to inform Graphic Design customers on what happens during the website build process and what they can do to assist.

Before a SmartSpace website designed by a Graphic Designer is started, it commences life as a simple website framework. Usually the designer will add a custom graphic so that visitors to your website will see an attractive message which, when clicked will enable an email to be sent to you.

We will start the build process once we have been paid the appropriate set up fee.

You wil also see this "Hold Page" when you visit the site, but when you log in, you will see the site in its current state.

Site Set Up

Either the client or the graphic designer will register the site and request setup. Once the set up has been started, we will contact the client with requests to complete their side of setting up emails and accessing the site.

Please stay on the lookout for emails from us to ensure that the setup can be completed as quickly as possible.

At this stage, make sure you have provided your domain name registrar's login details to either Smartspace (recorded in the Global Site Details) or to your graphic designer. The details are necessary to ensure your website appears when the domain  name is typed into a web browser.

The Build Process in Brief

Website Design

  1. If you are getting a specially designed website, the graphic designer provides the design to SmartSpace
  2. For each design, we match it to an existing website  framework or build a special framework to make that design work as specified
    • Once a framework is selected, it uses a basic stylesheet to position elements (see below). We change that basic file to suit the submitted design
    • We communicate with the designer to ensure it is all possible and provide details back to the designer on some specifics regarding the website build
  3. Attached to that design is what is called a Style Sheet (CSS file)
    • This puts in the colours and determines positioning of all of the elements of the website
    • A new CSS file is created for each site
    • Because, when you visit a SmartSpace website, your browser caches or saves the CSS file for quicker viewing on subsequent visits, you may not always get the latest version of the file during the construction of the website.
    • Therefore, it is always wise to refresh or reload your page using the browsers refresh/reload button to get the latest file version
    • This can make a big difference to how the site appears
  4. During the design process, SmartsSpace may do some limited content entry to ensure the build is working as desired
  5. SmartSpace do not otherwise get involved in content input, except where contracted to do so.

Refining The Design

Once the basic design has been completed, either the website owner or the graphic designer starts to insert the content

  1. During this period, there are often small adjustments that need to be made to either the template or the CSS file
    • We liaise with the designer during this period to ensure that all technical aspects of the website work as expected
  2. Sometimes, it is necessary for us to talk directly to the client to ensure that they get exactly what they want
    • Please only contact SmartSpace during this period when requested by the graphic designer
    • Please make any initial requests or comments about the website to the  graphic designer in the first instance
  3. The Template and CSS files may be changed during this period, so always refresh your page when revisiting the site

Site Completion - Publication

At some point, your website will be ready for publication. It can be published when the license fees are paid. You account for these fees can be found in the Control Panel > Manage/Pay License Fees area of your site

The hold page can be removed at any time by editing the Content Settings file, found at Content Manager > Settings (tab) > Content Settings.

Even after the site has been published, you can revert back to the hold page at any time of you have major changes you want to make to your site

Once the site is completed, please contact SmartSpace in the first instance on any technical problems that may arise, or questions on how the site works.

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